Ranking Every Movie I Watched Spring Semester of 2021

Foreword: I had a lot of free time in the spring semester of 2021. It was my final semester of college and I had already completed the vast majority of my coursework. One way in which I spent (wasted) a lot of this free time was watching movies of many genres. To be exact, I watched 75 full length movies in one semester. So in order to not let this completely go to waste, I figured I'd write a brief spoiler-free review of each movie so others could narrow down what movies they might be interested it. To skip to the final rankings, click here. One thing to note is that I had access (mooching off others) to a variety of streaming services, including Hulu with the Live TV add on, HBO Max, Netflix, and Disney Plus. Also as a note, the following movies are going to be in the order in which I watched them, not in order of how good they are. Without further ado, here are my reviews.

Sully (2016) - I was honestly not expecting this movie to be good. I thought I knew the story of the movie ahead of time, but I was very wrong. I'm not typically a fan of drama movies with limited action, but the acting from Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart more than made up for it. All in all, while not a super exciting movie the whole time, this is definitely a feel good movie that's incredibly entertaining.

Rush Hour (1998) - I was honestly not a big fan of this movie. I just think the humor didn't age particularly well. The story overall is pretty good, but Chris Tucker's voice is just a little annoying to me. The movie had some good kung-fu action but overall just not great vibes overall.

Olympus Has Fallen (2013) - This movie was incredibly violent, but I still liked it a whole lot. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, but in a good way for sure. I immediately realized I had to watch the sequel to it.

London Has Fallen (2016) - The sequel to Olympus Has Fallen was a little less creative in the plot, but still highly tense and equally enjoyable. Plus I was a big fan of the increased role of Aaron Eckhart.

Angel Has Fallen (2019) - The third movie in the "Has Fallen" series was definitely more original in the plot. It was also nice to see the new role of Morgan Freeman. On the whole, the whole trilogy was very enjoyable.

X-Men Apocalypse (2016) - I was a big fan of X-Men First Class and X-Men Days of Future Past so was interested to see how this movie compared. Unfortunately, this movie was a disappointment. This was one of the worst, if not the worst, X-men movie I had seen, as the plot was simply stupid and the characters tough to relate to. The only good scene in it was a Quicksilver scene similar to in Days of Future Past.

Fant4stic (2015) - Speaking of bad super hero movies, Fant4stic was really bad. There's no other things to say about it other than it was really bad. Dr. Doom was so not cool, and the Fantastic Four themselves were pretty cringey.

Outside the Wire (2021) - I decided to watch this movie not really knowing what it was about. But I liked Anthony Mackie from the Marvel universe so decided to check it out. This movie was suprisingly quite good. I'm not usually a fan of political messages in movies but I think the points made by this movie were pretty uncontroversial. It was really good acting and cool special effects as well as a realistic sci-fi future.

Chappie (2015) - This movie was really good. I watched this because I knew I really liked District 9 and this had the same director. I really enjoyed the colorful, unique characters, especially Hugh Jackman's character. Plus the action was super cool. The South African accents/dialects were pretty annoying at times but I thought the creativity of storytelling made up for it.

I am Legend (2007) - I had heard a lot about this movie when it first came out, so I had high expectations. I was sorely disappointed upon watching this as this movie was not good. It was entertaining, but just weird and not good to watch at times.

World War Z (2013) - I'm normally not a zombie movie fan, especially after watching I am Legend. However, this movie was incredibly entertaining. Brad Pitt was great in this movie that I think would be a reasonably realistic scenario of how the world would fall should zombies become a thing.

Skyscraper (2018) - This movie was ridiculous. However, I mean that in the best way possible. The makers of this movie clearly knew they were going over the top with everything, and they leaned into it. It was so enjoyable and fun to watch. The "Dwayne Johnson" Rock delivers again with another timeless classic.

The Wolverine (2014) - I watched this movie a couple years ago but had forgotten what happened in it and wanted to watch it again. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this movie as much as an adult as I did when I was a kid. Sure it was cool at parts, and Wolverine is one of the coolest super heroes, but overall it wasn't anything too good. Don't get me wrong, it still wasn't a bad movie or anything, just pretty middle of the road for super hero movies.

Con Air (1997) - This movie was pretty crazy. I had heard a lot about it but I had no idea that such a star-studded (albeit a little goofy) cast could produce such an enjoyable movie. The tension kept me on the edge of my seat, and the characters were incredibly compelling. On the whole, a very good movie.

Black Girl - I had to watch this movie for one of my classes. It was black and white, in French (with English subtitles), and not very good. I just did not think it was a good movie at all. It cleary had a political message but even with that, I thought it was just a crappy 1966 movie.

Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) - I had never played the Hitman video games, but thought I'd give this movie a watch as it looked pretty cool. It ended up being pretty cool. Considering it was a video game movie, the writing was pretty okay, and the acting was pretty okay as well. The special effects and fight scenes were pretty cool. While I wouldn't necessarily recommend this movie, I will say it wasn't nearly as bad as one might think.

The DaVinci Code (2006) - This may be a hot take, but I thought this movie sucked. I felt really bad about thinking this as I was watching it, as I thought that there was no way that Tom Hanks could make a bad movie, but here we were. I liked certain aspects of it in the later parts of the movie, as it did have a National Treasure feel, but overall I just thought the pacing was awful. And while the villain was a pretty freaky dude, I just did not enjoy watching his scenes. Really was not a big fan of this movie.

Year One (2009) - I thought to myself before watching this movie that Jack Black and Michael Cera were both funny dudes, so this movie would have to be funny. And sure, a few scenes were pretty funny, but on the whole I did not find most of it funny. I think this was Jack Black at his worst.

Angels & Demons (2009) - This is the sequel to The DaVinci Code, so you might be wondering why I chose to watch it after disliking the first. The reason is that I bought a DVD box set for $4 that had both of these movies on it and thought I might as well give it a watch. I actually liked this movie a whole lot more than the first one. I still think it was too long, with really bad pacing, but overall I liked the characters and plot a little better in this one. So while it wasn't a great movie, I definitely preferred it to The DaVinci Code.

The Martian (2015) - I like Matt Damon; I think he's a cool actor. I had heard a lot about this movie, and while after watching it I didn't think it necessarily deserved all the hype it got, I would say that overall it is a very good movie. The soundtrack slaps, the acting is phenomenal, and the story is good. It was a little slow at points but I think that added to the feel of the movie. If this movie is available for you to watch, I would recommend it.

Baby Driver (2017) - I had heard a good amount about this movie, but did not remember what I had heard. I had no idea how to feel while watching this movie as the cinematography was super creative but borderline weird. The acting was good (although since I was watching this after all the Kevin Spacey stuff came out it was a little weird). The plot was super weird too with the whole passage of time being unclear throughout it. Very mixed feelings about this movie but it's got a cool use of music and a unique plot, so if that's something you're looking for, I'd recommend this.

Criminal (2016) - I had not heard anything about this movie, which was a surprise to me given the cast. While I'm not normally a big fan of psychological movies, this movie was really good. The acting was good, the action was good, and the story was good. I don't know what else to say about it, it was just a really solid movie.

Dredd (2012) - This was probably the most violent and dark movie I've maybe ever seen. It was still overall interesting and entertaining, it just had some really bad vibes at certain points. I was not a fan of all the content in the movie, but the overall coolness of the action made up for it. Definitely would not watch this movie again, nor in good conscious can I recommend it to anyone, though.

Robin Hood (2018) - This movie looked really cool at first, but unfortunately it was not. There was such a not great blend of time periods - industrialization, crusades, renaissance, and general fantasy. Plus the overall writing and acting were not great either. There were a few good action sequences, but not enough to redeem what I thought was a not great movie in general.

Wonder Woman (2017) - I had heard a lot of good things about this movie, and was not sure what to believe. However, I would say that this movie lived up to the hype. It was a good super hero movie.

Knights of the Damned (2017) - This was perhaps the lowest budget movie I had ever watched. It was honestly something that I feel like if I had $50,000 I could film, let alone the estimated $9 million budget that it had. I'm not sure how much of it was meant to be ironic, but it was impossible to take anything seriously. I finished watching it because I started to watch it in an ironic sense and it was actually quite funny. But still would not recommend, as it was quite painful to watch at times.

I Care a Lot (2020) - I was recommended this movie but was a little suspicious of if I'd like it. In the end, I did enjoy watching it a whole lot. Even though the main characters are not good people or even that likeable (in most people's opinions hopefully), the creative and unpredictable story is quite the fun ride.

Gods of Egypt (2016) - This is one of those movies that you would think would be pretty stupid. And, to be fair, it kind of was. But put aside the absurdity of certain parts and you've got a really good movie actually. The characters are compelling and the action is top tier. On the whole, a solid action/fantasy movie with a unique style of fantasy.

The Iron Mask (2019) - I saw that this movie had Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwartzenegger in it, and figured I'd have to check it out. Little did I know (minor spoiler alert), neither one would be a main character. Also, this movie is orginially in Chinese, but had such a realistic English dub that I didn't notice until halfway through. The action is cool and parts of this movie are really enjoyable, but on the whole it's pretty okay.

Mission: Impossible (1996) - I had not seen a single Mission Impossible movie and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I will say, I could tell that this movie came out in the late 90s. It was a little dated, but the plot overall was okay. It was an okay enough action movie where I decided I'd watch the rest of the series.

Mission Impossible II (2000) - This was by far the worst MI movie in my opinion. It simply was not good. It took what made the first movie good and diluted it, then added this over sexualized romance side of the story that I was just not a fan of.

Mission Impossible III (2006) - This movie was much better than the first two movies. I actually enjoyed this one a lot. The action was cool, Tom Cruise is still a super annoying actor but the movie itself was overall pretty decent.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011) - Another good Mission impossible movie. I think they finally had the budget and creativity to make some really cool scenes. I also was a big fan of Jeremy Renner in this movie.

I am Cuba (1964) - This was another movie I had to watch for one of my classes. This was another bad black and white movie. There were a lot of interesting characters and storylines, but the movie itself was pure Soviet propaganda, which I am not a fan of.

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015) - Another typical MI movie. Pretty cool scenes, decent action, decent plot. Pretty much the same reaction I had to

Ghost Protocol.

The Meg (2018) - This movie looked really stupid. And in a way, it was. However, in many other ways, it was really awesome. While the whole premise of it is dumb, the movie itself is super fun. I'm not even a fan of shark movies, but the comedic aspects of this movie were great. I'm pretty sure the movie's creators knew they were making an ironically great movie (e.g. casting Rainn Wilson, Jason Statham, etc.) but if they weren't, that'd be a little awkward. While watching this as a thriller or horror movie wouldn't be advised, watching this as a comedy is really fun.

The Maze Runner (2014) - I read the book for this movie when I was a kid and really loved it. It was really cool to see some of the visuals of the book finally appearing on screen, as the effects were really slick. The acting is a little cringey, but the cool story and visuals make up for it.

Maze Runner: The Scortch Trials (2015) - This movie was not good. It lacked all the cool visuals of the first movie and was left with just the cringey acting and characters. Plus, the whole time I had a feeling that it was nothing like the book, despite reading the book over 8 years ago.

Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) - I did not have high hopes for the third installment of the Maze Runner trilogy after watching the second. I was right to have low hopes, as this was not a good movie either. Also, I looked up the plots of the books (I had forgotten after all these years) and the movies do not stick to them at all. I think they would've been a lot better to stick to at least the general plot of the books rather than trying to make it into a stereotypical post-apocalyptic world.

Once Upon a Time in Venice (2017) - This was one of the weirdest movies I watched this semester. Bruce Willis plays this role really well, the writing is original and the plot is too, but overall this was not a movie I'd recommend. It wasn't horrible, but it just wasn't that good. Also another example of a not at all family friendly movie (which is obvious because it's rated R) but it's almost to the level of Dredd where I felt uncomfortable watching some of the content - mainly naked Bruce Willis.

The Fifth Element (1997) - Now this was a good Bruce Willis movie. Yes most sci-fi movies that were not made within the last 20 years look pretty cheesy, but this movie does a good job of not looking that ridiculous. The plot is really good and the action is pretty good. Pair that with cool characters and you get a movie that I would recommend to sci-fi or Bruce Willis fans.

War of the Worlds (2005) - This is another book I read many years ago, and wanted to check this movie out. Like The Fifth Element, this movie has aged fairly well. The aliens in this movie are terrifying, and if someone did not read the book, there was no way to predict the ending or what happened at any point. Pretty cool movie, even though it takes place in Boston (a city I'm not a fan of).

2012 (2009) - When I started watching this movie, I laughed when I realized the main character was a divorced dad trying to save his son and daughter from imminent disaster (the general plot of War of the Worlds, just with a different disaster). And sure, while the whole "the world is ending in 2012" schtick isn't something anyone takes seriously now, that almost adds to the comedy of the movie. But all ridiculousness aside (there's a lot of that in this movie), this is a fun movie.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) - For some reason, I never watched this movie when it came out. I'm normally a big fan of monster movies (Pacific Rim is one of my favorite movies of all time) but I was not a super big fan of this movie. I think overall it was a typical Godzilla movie, and maybe I'm biased against Godzilla. I think his movements, powers, etc. are just so less cool the Kong or the monsters in this movie. So I'm not sure if my bad ranking of this movie is entirely objective.

U.S. Marshals (1998) - The Fugitive is a classic movie. Honestly, I think this movie should be in the same category. While it does lack Harrison Ford and a bunch of iconic lines, Tommy Lee Jones really does a good job, as does the young Robert Downey Jr. This movie really has a unique plot and character development, as well as twists and turns, and ultimately really good manhunt action.

BlacKkKlansman (2018) - I am a big fan of Adam Driver and John David Washington, so I knew I had to check this movie out. It was definitely a good choice to check out, as it was a pretty good movie. The story was great and the acting was phenomenal. I liked the soundtrack and Spike Lee's cinematography for sure. Nothing really that bad to say about the movie other than one or two breaking the fourth wall moments (not counting the end) for modern political statements were kind of cheesy.

Now You See Me 2 (2016) - I had watched this movie when it came out, and thought it was really good. However, after watching it again now, I realized it's nothing spectacular. Parts are really good (especially one heist scene and the ending), but a lot of it is just meh.

Inferno (2016) - This is the third movie in the The DaVinci Code Trilogy, and is honestly the best in my opinion. It avoided some of the pitfalls of the previous movies in my opinion by staying out of deep lore - it was a simple problem to address. But in this case, simple was good, as it allowed for cool action and that National Treasure feel that I saw glimpses of in the first movies.

The Code/Thick as Thieves (2009) - This is for sure one of the worst movies of all time. Antonio Banderas is straight up creepy and uncomfortable to watch, even though he's supposed to be this cool guy. Morgan Freeman's performance was also disappointing as he was clearly underutilized. The story is lame and stagnant, the action sucks, and the multiple twists at the end are so stupid. I really disliked this movie, and am not even sure if I could enjoy this movie ironically.

Mad Max (1979) - I really liked Mad Max: Fury Road when I saw it a few years ago, so thought I might as well check out the 1979 original movie. I like Mel Gibson in most movies, and his acting in this one was good. But on the whole, I did not like this movie. The pacing was so weird and unenjoyable, the characters were uncomfortable to watch, and the action wasn't that great. Plus, the whole setting was supposed to be futuristic/post-apocalyptic, but it just seemed like modern day but with an even more incompetant justice system and even more wackos riding around on bikes.

Holmes & Watson (2018) - I normally like Will Ferrell movies. And the two movies I've seen of him and John C. Reilly are both pretty solid (Talladega Nights is really good, Stepbrothers is just okay). However, this movie was just dumb. It had funny parts, and was a little more funny than Year One but was overall just a stupid movie, and not in a good way. Not a fan.

Edison/Edison Force (2005) - This was another movie I had never heard of. It also had a surprisingly good cast with Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, JT, LL Cool J, and others. However, in terms of movies, it was just okay. It was pretty cool at parts, but also felt really low budget at others (perhaps they spent all their budget on the cast?). I think "okay" is the best word to describe this movie.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) - I had watched most of this movie in the past - I think I caught it on TV once or something as there were parts that I had no recollection of, but I remembered the beginning and the end. Let me just say, this is an amazing movie. It for sure would've won Best Picture when it came out if not for a little movie called Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I know this movie gets a lot of flak for not being true to the books, but personally having not read the books, I thought this was amazing.

Hancock (2008) - It had been a long time since I had watched this movie, so I decided to rewatch it now having watched tens of other superhero movies in the DCEU and MCU. I was suprised to see that this movie was still a very good superhero movie, even by today's standards. Will Smith is great, the story is unique, and Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron are great as well. Cool effects, cool character development, all around cool movie.

The Sum of All Fears (2002) - This movie I felt like was everything Mission Impossible was meant to be - this movie is the ideal spy movie. This was a really enjoyable and cool movie, and even though it was certainly dark at times, it had wholesome themes throughout. Very good movie, aged well.

Boss Level (2021) - I honestly did not want to watch this movie as I kind of hate time loop movies. However, boy was I glad I watched this. The film was incredible, super violent, yes, but nonetheless incredible. Its great use of the song "Foreplay/Long Time" by Boston made me so happy - not to get too off track but I think that is one of the best songs of all time. As soon as we as a society can start universally recognizing that song as better than "Stairway to Heaven," we will advance so much. But anyways, this movie was super fun, super action packed, had a unique story, great character development, and was just all around awesome. I give it my highest recommendations.

Midnight Special (2016) - Adam Driver is such a goofy looking guy (no offense, Mr. Driver, if you're reading this) that it's a little hard to take him seriously in certain roles. But regardless, he was my favorite part of this really weird movie. I was not a fan of not really getting any details of the mystery as you go along, as even at the end I still felt in the dark about what the heck was going on. Not my favorite movie.

Hunter Killer (2018) - I loved the "Has Fallen" series, so when I saw another Gerard Butler action movie, I knew I had to watch it. I had never really watched a submarine focused movie, so this was really cool to see. I was a big fan of the plot (as outlandish as it was at times) and the action was great. Pretty good action movie, nothing world-shaking or anything but solid watch.

Hitman's Bodyguard (2017) - I watched this movie when it came out but wanted to give it a rewatch as I didn't remember everything in it. That was a good decision as this movie is really good. I love Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson's on screen chemistry. Combining the typical fast-quipping Ryan Reynolds role with the typical Sam Jackson character was really fun. Plus Gary Oldman was great. Super entertaining movie, a great blend of action and comedy.

John Wick (2014) - I had heard that this movie was incredibly violent, and I can confirm that. It's really dark at times, but also great action and good acting from Keanu Reeves. It's a really cool take on the typical crime movie.

John Wick 2 (2017) - I was hoping I'd enjoy this movie as much as the first, and I did. In fact, I liked the second one possibly more than the first, mainly because it took away that hard to watch beginning from the first one. This was pure action, with a satisfying end.

John Wick 3- Parabellum (2019) - My dad watched the John Wick triology before I did, and he told me he wasn't a big fan of the third one as it was not enough pure action. After watching that movie I'm pretty sure he misspoke as this movie was pure action. A little lacking in substance even for me, but still a pretty good action movie.

Traitor (2008) - Okay, I will admit that this is cinematically a pretty good movie. However, I was just not a big fan of the vibes. It's about terrorism (and modern radical Islamic terrorism, not any comedic or super-villain style terrorism). Don Cheadle is great in this, it's just a dark story that really lacked any good feelings for me.

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) - This movie was exactly what you'd expect. However, I enjoyed it a lot. It was a fun movie; not a great movie, but a fun one. I just love Kong and the way he fights and acts.

Impractical Jokers: The Movie (2020) - I expected this movie to be really dumb. It was in some ways, but was actually more of just one 2 hour long episode of Impractical Jokers, which is a show I happen to like a whole lot. I laughed out loud multiple times in watching this movie, even though I watched it by myself. It's got some really quality bits, especially the scenes where they interview for positions with The Atlanta Hawks. Solid enjoyment, but I'm not really sure where to rank it next to real movies.

Mortal Kombat (2021) - As a disclaimer, I never played any Mortal Kombat games. But this movie was still pretty cool to see at times how they took the typical video game side-scroller fighting game style and made it into live action combat scenes. The movie was kind of dumb at times, but overall was decently enjoyable.

Zach Snyder's Justice League (2021) - I really did not like the theatrical version of this movie. This 4 hour version was a whole lot better than the theatrical version, but I still think it was unecessarily long. Parts of it were just not good or necessary to the story. The story made a lot more sense, as I was able to really follow what was going on this time, which was good. But the characters were still underdeveloped and the dialogue not great. But the effects and action sequences were really amazing. All in all, an okay movie. Really should've been shorter though.

X-Men: Dark Pheonix (2019) - I really didn't want to watch this movie after seeing X-Men: Apocalypse. But after seeing it was free on HBO, I decided to watch it. It was better than the previous movie for sure, but I was overall not a huge fan. It was entertaining and slightly less stupid than Apocalypse, but still was not a good movie.

Wrath of the Titans (2012) - I watched this movie when it came out and loved it, so I wanted to revisit it. It was definitely worth the revisit, as this is a really good movie. The action and effects are cool, Perseus is such a cool character, the gods are well acted, it's really good. The monsters and the men fighting them make for some really awesome visuals. Maybe not objectively a great movie, but I really enjoyed it.

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020) - This was an awful movie. It was so bad, there was hardly anything redeeming about it. Imagine the movie Suicide Squad if it lacked cool characters. The amount of girlbossing in this movie was ridiculous, plus it was just lacking in any good vibes.

Fahrenheit 451 (2018) - I thought this movie was really well made given the source material. Fahrenheit 451 is a really well written book, but I'm sure it'd be tough to make a movie of. But I think they did a decent job with this movie. The acting is great and I love movies that are set in Cleveland. But it wasn't a super entertaining movie the whole time. Parts of what they did with the whole internet spin on everything was a little cringey at times, but I guess this distopian future would be cringe.

Dunkirk (2017) - I am a huge Christopher Nolan fan. However, I think this is one of his weakest movies. It wasn't a bad movie, just a little slow at times. Plus the whole passage of time with it is unecessarily complicated. I was able to follow it, but I would think you could make the movie with a more clear chronology instead of trying to "Nolan" things up. Overall, decent movie though, and if you're not a big fan of war movies you'd still like this one I'd think.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011) - No words can describe this movie. I had no idea that this movie existed, even though the first Ghost Rider movie was one of my favorite memes. This movie was so bad though. Parts are really ironically funny, but the effects are just bad. The acting is so horrible (plus, why would Idris Elba even be in this movie?) but I guess the irony makes this an enjoyable watch. Don't look to this as a good watch, just something to watch with friends if you want a bad funny movie night.

Battleship (2012) - I expected this movie to be really dumb. The first half of the movie was kind of dumb. But once all the action started, I forgot that I was watching a movie that was based off of the fricken board game "Battleship." The action and aliens were super cool, and I really liked the ending. Only after I finished the movie did I realize how it was based off of the board game and then I was a little bothered that I didn't catch onto it earlier. In summary, I have very mixed feelings about this movie.

Geostorm (2017) - Now this was a movie that when I saw trailers for, I said I would never watch. But boy am I glad that I did not stick to that plan, as this movie was super enjoyable. It's a super inane concept for sure, but the movie itself is quite fun. Suprisingly good, worth a watch I'd say.

Ocean's Eleven (2001) - Now this is how you make a heist movie. There's a reason this movie is iconic, and upon watching it I realized why. Fun characters, interesting plot, and edge-of-your seat suspense really made this a great movie.

Greenland (2019) - This movie was a lot like Geostorm in how I viewed it before seeing it. But let me just say, this was a really good movie. In terms of disaster movies, it's one of the best. It really reminded me a lot of Deep Impact but this movie was so much better. Really compelling characters and storyline, awesome effects, moving soundtrack- really good movie.

# Movie Title Where I Watched It
1 Master and Commander Hulu
2 Boss Level Hulu
3 Chappie DVD
4 Con Air Hulu
5 Criminal Hulu
6 U.S. Marshals Hulu
7 The Hitman's Bodyguard HBO
8 Olympus Has Fallen Netflix
9 World War Z DVD
10 Ocean's Eleven HBO
11 London Has Fallen DVD
12 Greenland HBO
13 Wrath of the Titans HBO
14 Wonder Woman HBO
15 I Care a Lot Netflix
16 The Martian Hulu
17 Geostorm HBO
18 John Wick 2 DVD
19 Sully DVD
20 The Meg Hulu
21 Skyscraper DVD
22 The Sum of All Fears Hulu
23 John Wick DVD
24 Angel Has Fallen Netflix
25 Outside the Wire Hulu
26 Hancock Hulu
27 The Fifth Element Hulu
28 2012 Hulu
29 Hunter Killer Hulu
30 War of the Worlds Hulu
31 Gods of Egypt Hulu
32 Impractical Jokers: The Movie HBO
33 BlacKkKlansman Hulu
34 Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Hulu
35 Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Hulu
36 Battleship HBO
37 Mission Impossible III Hulu
38 Dunkirk HBO
39 John Wick 3 DVD
40 Baby Driver Hulu
41 Inferno Hulu
42 The Wolverine Disney +
43 Zach Snyder's Justice League HBO
44 The Maze Runner Hulu
45 Mortal Kombat HBO
46 Mission: Impossible Hulu
47 Hitman: Agent 47 Hulu
48 Dredd Hulu
49 Edison Force DVD
50 Angels & Demons DVD
51 Iron Mask Hulu
52 Once Upon a Time in Venice Hulu
53 Now You See Me 2 Hulu
54 Fahrenheit 451 HBO
55 Traitor Hulu
56 Midnight Special Netflix
57 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance HBO
58 I am Legend DVD
59 X-Men: Dark Pheonix HBO
60 Rush Hour DVD
61 X-Men: Apocalypse Disney +
62 Godzilla: King of the Monsters Amazon Prime
63 Robin Hood Hulu
64 The DaVinci Code DVD
65 Mad Max Hulu
66 Fant4stic Disney +
67 The Scortch Trials Hulu
68 The Death Cure Amazon Prime
69 Mission Impossible II Hulu
70 Holmes and Watson Hulu
71 Knights of the Damned Hulu
72 The Code/Thick as Theives DVD
73 Year One Hulu
74 I am Cuba YouTube
75 Black Girl YouTube

Well, that's the ranking. I really did watch a ridiculous number of movies this semester. Also, if I was to break these movies into tiers, I would say everything below 33 was a good movie, everything 33-55 was okay, and everything after 55 was just plain bad. Feel free to use this ranking to inform your own movie decisions in the future, or don't, it's a free country. Thanks for taking the time to read at least this part of my review, please contact me if you have any feedback on this list.