Free Ideas

I am an ideas man. I've had a billion (hyberbole) ideas over the years - the only problem is that very few of these ideas are feasible or worthwhile. In the interest of helping society, I've decided to share some ideas that I know are not realistic for me; however, these ideas could inspire or be created by one of you readers. As you'll see, these ideas are at various stages of development. My only request if you use one of these ideas is to please list me as a reference when you're accepting your Nobel Prize or other prestigous award.

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The Sandwich Holster

This is an idea I had along with my friends Bryce Rombach, Paxton Leaf, and Robert Heck. We even made some engineering design drawings for it if you want to fabricate one for yourself. (It's a belt buckle that holds a sandwich for you.)

Competitive Mowing League (CML)

This idea doesn't have any accompanying sketches or anything as it's a scheme for a system that results in free lawn mowing for a neighborhood. The only pre-requisites for this idea are that you live in a suburban neighborhood with lots of kids or young couples that could eventually have kids.
The steps to establishing this free lawncare system are as follows:

  1. Convince (bribe) older kids to buy into this scheme and not tell their younger siblings/younger kids about the reality of everyone mowing their own lawn
  2. Establish monthly neighborhood events where the older kids "compete" to mow the best lawn. Kids mow their lawns (and neighbors' without kids) and are scored on
    • Speed (how fast they completed the yard)
    • Accuracy (if they missed any spots)
    • Cleanliness (where cut grass ended up)
    • Style Points (discretionary category for rigging event)
  3. As younger kids watch these events, they will dream of being able to compete in them
  4. Reiterate to younger kids what an honor it is to participate and win
  5. Eventually scale back the pomp and circumstance surrounding these events, but still have the awards

After awhile (currently unsure of the time-frame, could be as short as a year or as long as 5-10 years) you now have a system in place where neighborhood youths don't just begrudgingly cut lawns, but are eager to cut their family, and their neighbors' lawns. While you still have to pay for trophies or medals, the overall payment for each individual lawn being cut is much lower. If you wanted, you could even stretch out awards to over a year (the season). If you wanted to, you could even make it a team sport, really the customization of the CML (you can call it whatever you want) is in the hands of you and your neighbors.

The Family Fun Mobile (The Quincycle)

This is an idea I had for a better tandem bike, designed for four (or more) people. Below is a rough sketch I created.

[Apologies for the inconvenience, but this page is still under construction. I am working on making my other ideas make me look less insane before I post them.]