The Paste

In 2019, I wrote a young adult fiction book with my friend from High School, Colton Moran. In January of 2020, we were officially (self-)published authors under Kindle Direct Publishing. You can read the chapter of the book, and/or purchase it on Amazon here:


I get a lot of questions about The Paste. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Q: Why?
Why not? Colt and I wanted to write a book for fun, so we did.

Q: How did you get the idea for it?
Not really sure. In January 2019, we were with friends in an acquaintance's (my future wife's) basement - there were six people there and we were playing a 4 person card game. Considering the host and I had questionable feelings towards each other at the time, Colton and I were sitting out first. As we sat we brainstormed the craziest premise for a story we could think of. The more we brainstormed, the more excited we got to bring this story to life. If you read the book you'll see that some of the ideas in it/the whole premise itself is kind of ridiculous, but we're just two ridiculous dudes, so it works out.

Q: How many copies have you sold/how much money have you made off of this book?
We've sold a little over 50 copies, now granted almost all of those are to people who know us, but still it's a pretty cool thing to say that many people at least own your book (even if they haven't read it). We get about $2 per physical book sale, so we've made about $100 total, which is more than we deserve.

Q: How do two people write one book?
So as for writing style, we each took a chapter at a time. We'd normally brainstorm together beforehand, then after we wrote it we'd meet up and review it, making changes together. We alternated chapters, which ended up working out with our style of story of two main characters. I wrote all the chapters for Dr. 1145371 while Colt wrote all the chapters for Philip Wesley. It was a lot of fun to do this.

Q: What would you say this book's legacy will be?
I think this book will end up being the second most printed book of all time behind The Bible if I had to guess now. Just kidding obviously, this book will probably only be remembered by Colton and me, maybe our kids if we end up having kids (with other people, not each other, just to be clear.)

Q: Anything else you'd like to say to your fans?
I'd like to thank all the "fans" out there. It's such a fun thing to hear that people liked our book or even to make people laugh when they hear the concept of it. The whole reception of it has really been a big blessing.