
If you couldn't tell from this website, I like to make my own websites. I've taught myself HTML and CSS (W3 Schools is a great resource if you're looking to learn yourself) and have learned a little bit of js and php from various tutorials. Of course, my websites (and even this current one) have had a tendency to look dated (my first ones looked like they were from 1990, this one at least looks like 2010 I think) but I don't care too much. I've had several websites over the years, but is the only one still operational, as I've let the other domain names expire. Below are the home pages of my other websites I've created (unfortunately, I do not have the rest of the pages set up; this is just to give you a general idea of what I created in the past: (Old Design)

This is simply how used to look.

This was my website where I ran my euchre league from and posted all my research. It was also where I first learned to code (originally it was, then I upgraded to before finally realizing that I was an idiot for not calling it

Before, I had this joke called "WooCorp" that was a dummy corporation I would constantly reference. This was a website I was at a time super proud of.

A friend of mine (who shall remain anonymous) contracted my services to build this news website. Unfortunately, we had to shut operations down when we were threatened to be sued for libel (for legal reasons, this is a joke). Thankfully, we never used our real names so there's been no real repercussions.

I have also made a few other personal websites (as gifts, etc.) but I have not displayed them here as they have a lot of personal information on them. If you want a website of your own at a discount value, I'm your guy. I will quickly make you a website for pretty cheap compared to real web developers. It may not be a good website, but I will be fast and cheap. If you're interested at all, please contact me.