The personal website of Nathan James Woo.


nathanwoo.com was created in 2020 in the height of my (Nathan Woo) quarantine boredom. In general I like to create a lot of random content, and while I won't pretend this content needs to be shared with others, I just wanted a good place to store it. I'm not trying to promote myself or make money, I just hope that whoever you are, you can find something on this website to make you smile.

Random Song I Recommend:

Random Quotes I've Overheard Recently

"Ma'am, if you tell me to click that link one more time, I'm gonna come unglued!"

Web Design Disclaimer

I am not a classically trained web designer, and this website may reflect that at times. I apologize in advance for any unintended funkiness, dysfunction, or overall displeasing aesthetic.
See my websites page for more information.

More Home Page Content Coming Soon!

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